Version 1
This is the final version of the poster. This is our first version of our poster. We have put some main features that a poster would have such as the title of the film. The title of the film has been placed at the bottom left of the screen. Then we had the actors name on the top right which was following a line from each house. One main feature that a poster would have is the release date. This is important because when you see the poster, it could catch the audience eyes and therefore they would like to know when it will be released. If the release date was not on there then they would not know when to go and watch the film. Also we wrote on top of the release date 'IMAX 3D'. Not all posters include this but we did because we are trying to tell the audience that they are will be watching the film in better quality and in a more realistic way. This makes everything interesting so this is another way of attracting the audience. Another important feature is the background photo. In the background photo there is the three people who are he main actors in the film. We have slightly edited the background by putting a reflection in the water which is a train. This was not the final one because there were still quite a few codes and conventions that were missing out. We used this as our template so we can improve on it on the next version.

Final Version
This is our final version of the poster. We have changed a lot of things on this poster. First of all we changed the poster from landscape to portrait. There was a lot of the background that we did not need which is why we chose to make it portrait. Then we changed the font and where we placed the title of the film. We put this in the centre but closer to the bottom because we wanted the audience to see the photo as well. The font we used for the title of the film was a lot better as it stood out more so the audience will spot it easier and see that it is the film title. Then underneath the film title we added the actors real names to show who the main characters are. All posters have the main actors names and they do this to tell the audience that there are good actors playing in this film. Underneath the actors name we have placed the blurred text which simply descries who has took part in this film and helped out. It has the companies who ave took part and the directors and producers as well. With the blurred part we have placed the release date as well. But with the release date we have made sure that the release date was bolder and that it stood out more. One thing that people want to know sometimes is who the director is or what other films the director has done. So at the top we wrote what other films the director has made. Also we wrote 'Innocence is Ruthless'. Our film is to do about three people who are trying to prove their innocence so this quote relates to the film and also tells the audience slightly what it is about.
Overall this was the final version of the poster. We were proud with what we achieved as we followed all the main codes and conventions that a poster would have and also managed to fit everything well together. All the text worked well with the colour and the background that we used and we were happy with what we accomplished.