Wednesday 20 February 2013

Film Magazine

Film Magazine

Version 1

This is the first version that I did for the film trailer. It is a magazine that we created for the trailer to be reached out to the audience easier. We have called it 'FRAME'. This title suits the magazine because it relates to films and the industry. The image I used for this was shot on top of a building and it shows the three main actors in the film. From the research that I did on other magazines, they include in small text which show what else will feature in the magazine and in big text, they have the title of the main film that they are advertising on the front cover. I thought this was a good idea and the majority of magazines have the same layout so I did the same as well.

 Version 2
This is my second version of my magazine. From the first image I used, the background was bright and I used bright text for the magazine as well. This meant that the text merged together and it was hard to see the text which was a problem. So I experimented with the photo by editing it and deleting the background of the photo so all you see is the actors. Personally it does not look as professional as I thought it would be because the cutting tool was too sharp. Also I followed a different layout to my last one. The reason I did this was because it did not have to include any large text in front of the photo so you can see the image perfectly. It is a layout that not many magazines use so i used it because i wanted it to be different and new to the audience.

Version 3

This is the third version that I did for this project. By this point my ideas were starting to come together and I was getting close to the final version. I experimented with different layouts and realised that this is the layout that I was going to use. I still had some trouble when I went back to the original photo. I used light text such as white and yellow and some of the text was fading into the background. Also I changed the colour of the magazine title because I thought that red was not suitable for the film been promoted at the front. But other than that I was happy with the layout of the magazine and what I have managed so far.

Version 4
This is my fourth version. I managed to fix the problem where the text was fading into the background by simply moving the text and rearranging them. All the text is now visible and easy to see and this is good as it can bring the audience closer and make the magazine stand out much more. The title of the film stands out the most because the audience need to see what film is been promoted. All the yellow text that I used are the sub-heading. Overall I was happy with this version and I couldnt think of what more to add.
Final Version
This is the final version of my film magazine. The last version was my most improved version and I couldnt think of what more to add to it. So to help me out I shown the magazine to the audience and then it will help me to get feedback on the magazine. Getting feedback is great as it helps to realise what still needs improving and what is good on the front cover. The first thing I was told to change on the magazine was the colour of the title. It didnt work with the bacground because I was using a light colour on a light background. So it almost faded and didnt stand out to the audience. Then i was told to add a barcode on the page so i put one on the bottom right of the front cover. What most magazines do is put part of the person on the cover in front of the title. I moved a few things around such as the text on the side because I also moved the picture on the front cover to face the other side of the magazine. I put a slogan at the top of the magazine to match the film thats being promoted. The final thing i was told to improve for the magazine was where I accidently put two Quentin Tarantino films on the front cover. There was a Quentin Tarantino film called Django Unchained and also Prison Bound which was our film we created. No magazines have two films from the same person on the magazine. To resolve this I took of 'Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained' and just left it with Prison Bound. After all of these improvements I sae how it had made a big improvement to the magazine and the audience's response also showed me what codes and conventions I had missed out. I was pleased with the final version and happy with what I had accomplished.

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